How to increase potency in men?

How to increase potency in men

Relationships with the opposite sex are of great importance for any man. It is not surprising that the appearance of difficulties with potency is always accompanied by a lowering of self-esteem. So it's important to take measures to eliminate erectile dysfunction.

The initial symptoms of weakening of potency

After 50 years, the men notice the appearance of difficulties in the intimate sphere. This is understandable, because changes due to age, sooner or later, affect everyone. The situation is aggravated by such factors as the presence of diseases which are chronic and associated with this medication. Often at this age occurs the hormonal imbalance that also prevents sexual activity.

The problem with potency is evidenced by the following disturbing aspects:

  1. a decrease of sexual desire;

  2. early ejaculation and associated reduction of time for intimacy;

  3. the weakening of erection during intercourse;

  4. loss of erection in the morning.

Some men are noticing these negative changes, it is easy to perceive the problem, blaming it on overwork and stress. Others, on the contrary, I think the situation solely in black and light consider themselves impotent. And those and others are wrong. Such a disease as erectile dysfunction, and must be treated. Also, for therapy and prevention, you can use the tools in the capsules. At the first suspicion of impotence should consult with a specialist. After the necessary tests, the doctor will choose an individual treatment plan. It can successfully combine the use of drugs or dietary Supplements. If you do not postpone the visit to the doctor and do not start the disease in a short period of time to restore the former quality of erections.

How to increase the potency

The first thing should think a man with poor erectile function, is a lifestyle change. First of all have to reconsider eating habits. The abundance in the diet of animal fats and smoked foods overload the liver, lack of fiber leads to chronic constipation and self-poisoning of the body. A lack of vitamins makes a person lethargic. There's simply not up to sex, to survive.

Even just changing the set of food products, you can achieve the desired result. Men at any age need the following ingredients:

  • stewed or baked meat as source of protein;

  • different kinds of nuts;

  • red fish and seafood;

  • honey - in the absence of allergies;

  • fresh herbs in all its manifestations;

  • in season local fruits and vegetables.

From drinking alcoholic beverages have to give. Of the total abundance of alcohol has the most detrimental effect on erectile function of beer. The fascination with them leads to hormonal issues. In the male body increases the production of the female hormone estrogen, which suppresses testosterone and nullifies sexual desire. A tremendous help in the treatment of sexual weakness physiotherapy. Special complex of exercises will help to eliminate blood stasis in the groin area and will contribute to the solution of the problem. Observing all recommendations of the attending physician, it is possible to achieve desired goals and to enjoy life in all its manifestations.